Fencing, Faery Lore, Farland, Flow, & Feeling Like You are Enough!


Definitely a lot of fun being interviewed by The Authors Show! It broadcasted for the first time last week, July 2, 2024.
AND It will see its first rebroadcast on Tuesday, July 7, 2024.


Things we discussed include the overall message for FAERIES DON’T LIE, along with some of its faerie creatures and its astrology system; my experiences fencing sword and dagger in tournaments and melees and how it’s helped my writing; and a bit about NY Times Bestseller David Farland and the international group he created, Apex-Writers.

This incredible mentor helped so many in the writing community and I count myself lucky to have been a student of his and also that
I get to work with this group. There’s always something going on at Apex-Writers.

And just an FYI – Apex-Writers is having a special $1 trial. It’s a chance to sign up and check it out with no obligation. If interested, click here to another part of my website where the information is and use the code: AUTHORSHOW.

Places to find this interview:

Amazon Music

Apple Podcasts








The Authors Show



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