Work in progress but future site where you can discover your Ahnu-Endynia astrological sign.

Are you born under the magical influences of the Sea-Witch, Kai-Marin?

Or maybe the creative healing influence from the Harper & Healer, Thuroes.

Perhaps you are born under the influence of the idealistic rebel Yasendra.

More to come soon.

Pictures and a snippet of each Eaburrai  has been added…. along with the means of seeing which Eaburra watches over you per the Eaburrai Charts. Horoscope feature forthcoming.

Currently each of the Eaburrai below DO have some material within.
You can see a picture of each one, along with a snippet about them.

Additionally, there is a rudimentary chart for discovering which Eaburrai would watch over you… if you were within the Ahny-Endynia worlds.